WA+ Sheets
One of the outputs of WA+ are the standardized WA+ Sheets.
Sheet 1 - Resource Base (example)
- General overview on over‑exploitation, unmanageable, manageable, exploitable, reserved, utilized and utilizable flows at river basin scale
- Discern between landscape ET (by rainfall) and incremental ET (by natural and man-made withdrawals)
- Assessing commitments to environment and legal agreements
- Quantifying atmospheric water recycling
- Understand water scarcity during dry years
The sheet generator for Sheet 1 can be found here
Sheet 2 - Evapotranspiration (example)
- Quantify water consumption for all land use classes throughout the basin
- Describing the anthropogenic impact on ET and concepts of ET management to reduce total water consumption from withdrawals and inundations
- Understand impact of land use planning on consumptive use
- Relate water consumption to intended processes (beneficial vs. non-beneficial ET)
The sheet generator for Sheet 2 can be found here
Sheet 3 - Agricultural Services (example: Part1, Part2)
- Asses agricultural production (kg/ha) in terms of food, feed, timber and fish products
- Compute the related water productivity (kg/m³) and the gap to demonstrate loss of returns (kg, $ )
- Decide on future rainfed and irrigated cropping systems
- Indicate possibilities for saving water in agriculture, with an emphasis on non-beneficial water consumption and shifts from irrigated to rainfed crops and agroforestry systems
The sheet generator for Sheet 3 can be found here
Sheet 4 - Utilized Flow (example: Part1, Part2)
- Provide overview of all man-made withdrawals and assessment of non-authorized use
- Estimate natural withdrawals due to seasonal floods, shallow groundwater tables and groundwater dependent ecosystems such as forests
- Describe surface water and groundwater contribution to total withdrawals
- Distinguish between consumed and non-consumed water and show impact of non-consumptive water use on downstream users; i.e. terrestrial water recycling
- Recognizing recoverable and non‑recoverable flow
Sheet 5 - Surface Water (example)
- Quantify the natural and actual river flow along a transect of tributaries
- Determine the surface water availability and utilizable withdrawals in any location in the river basin
- Describe storage in tributaries and main rivers for regulation purposes and assess the need for more
- Assist in the planning of infrastructure and water resources development
- Prepare (surface) water allocation plans, also for dry years
- Assess needs to modify river flow and increase water security
Sheet 6 - Groundwater (example)
- Understand the role of groundwater in renewable water resources
- Assess aquifers as a storage reservoir for droughts and their role as buffering mechanism
- Preparing safe groundwater withdrawal plans (i.e. prevent declining groundwater tables)