Water Accounting Plus

WA+ case studies

Various applications of WA+ were undertaken in the context of projects, reports on case studies within the two main projects are provided below. Other reported applications of WA+ are listed here, if you would like your publication to be featured here, please send an email to the WA team at IHE Delft and we will review your submission.

Case studies implemented by IHE Delft WA team

FAO WaPOR publications (using WaPORWA)

In the context of the project "Using remote sensing in support of solutions to reduce agricultural water productivity gaps" (WaPOR phase 1) the following case studies were undertaken:

WA+ applications in Asia 

In the context of the project "Expanding support to Water Accounting in River Basins and Water Productivity Measurements in Irrigation Projects" funded by the Asian Development Bank the following WA+ case studies were undertaken: