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Water Accounting Plus data and analyses can be useful for practical applications

The Water Accounting Plus team at IHE Delft has developed a number of tools using remote sensing data and Water Accounting Plus tools. Three of these tools are presented here, more will follow in the coming years.

Dashboard WaPOR4Awp

A dashboard that calculates agricultural water productivity over irrigated crop land as an alternative for estimating agricultural water use efficiency which is part of the reporting on SDG 6.4.1 Change in water use efficiency. More information here



DroughtObserve is a dashboard developed under the WaterPIP project that monitors and forecasts drought at national and sub-national level using FAO WaPOR data. More information here


Water Peace and Security data explorer

This data explorer application developed as part of the Water Peace and Security project allows for a quick overview of means and anomolies for various remote sensing derived paramaters (under maintenance)
