An overview of the ongoing projects of the WA+ team at IHE Delft is provided here, more information about the projects and activities can be found at the project webpages.
WaPOR Phase 2
The WaPOR project aims to assist partner countries in developing their capacity to monitor and improve water and land productivity in agriculture, both rainfed and irrigated, responding therefore to the challenges that are posed by the dwindling of freshwater resources and the need to sustain agricultural production to ensure food security in the face of a changing climate. We need to produce more while also consuming less water.
DUPC2 Water Accounting Plus
The second phase of the DUPC2 funded Water Accounting Plus project focusses on increasing opportunities to inform decision making for in river basin management by further improving the tools and synthesising the training materials for a wider audience. A first Water Accounting Plus symposium was held in July 2022 where around 50 researchers working with WA+ tools shared their experiences.
Water Productivity Improvement in Practice (WaterPIP)
The project Water Productivity Improvement in Practice (Water-PIP) aims to facilitate the increase in crop water productivity in DGIS partner countries in Africa and Near East and Northern Africa (NENA) region. With nearly ten years of data available at a spatial resolution of 1 ha through the FAO-based WaPOR database, the project is at an excellent position to utilize this database to assess water productivity trends at project and national level. The project connects IT business solutions to the WaPOR database to improve the analyses and provide more insight into the database for practical applications and captures practical solutions and link agribusinesses to improve land and water productivity.
Find more information on finished projects, including outputs (reports, training materials, etc) here